Taste of Oak Cliff annual event | Kids Out and About Dallas

Taste of Oak Cliff annual event

Corner of 10th & S Beckley 125 Sunset Ave, Dallas TX 75208
Dallas , TX , 75208
Phone: 214-943-4567
32° 44' 5.8992" N, 96° 49' 22.044" W
Contact name: 
Kiyundra Gulley
What our organization offers: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
With classic festival favorites and learning experiences, The Taste of Oak Cliff is a one-day event with plenty to satisfy everyone’s palate. The more than 80 vendors each bring a unique feel and experience to help carry out the vision of bringing together the community of Oak Cliff. Restaurants and food trucks from Oak Cliff and surrounding cities serve their best dishes.
