A Day at the Crayola Experience in Easton, PA | Kids Out and About Dallas

A Day at the Crayola Experience in Easton, PA

By Meg Brunson

One of the most iconic smells from my childhood is that of Crayola crayons. That smell brings me right back to elementary school and envokes feelings of happiness and relaxation as I reflect on the simple act of coloring... and that was a big reason why I was excited to have the opportunity to visit The Crayola Experience when we were in Easton, PA. Now, the Crayola Experience does have five locations throughout the US, but Easton, PA, was the original, and I think there is something extra-special about that! One thing is clear from the visit (and a quick glance of the pictures) - Crayola has grown to be so much more than the best crayons on the planet... they are a leader in creativity that appeals to kids of all ages and the inner child in all of us!

Admission to the Crayola Experience includes coins that you trade in for personalized crayons, modeling magic, and a coupon for a Scribble Scrubbie, and you can buy more coins if you want, but even grownups get the coins. Everyone gets to sample activites, but it's nice to have those back-up parent coins just in case your child drops her newly personalized crayon and breaks it fresh out of the machine. (yup, that happened to us - my kids are as clumsy as I am!). Everyone loved being able to customize a crayon - there were a bunch of colors to choose from, and the kids get to give their chosen color a creative name. Our crayons were Pickle-icious, Unicorn Magic, Spiderman, and RoRo... all amazing suggestions for future colors if I do say so myself!

We enjoyed watching the Crayon Factory Show and getting a glimpse of how crayons are made as well as a gift (a brand new crayon - before it even got wrapped!). Upon arrival, all guests receive a Crayola bag, which comes in handy to carry all the goodies you'll be creating throughout the day - and keep them separate by kiddo.  

There were a ton of crayon-related activites that went beyond coloring. The kids made drip art in machines that heated the crayons and spun paper to melt the wax in unique patterns. They also got to heat crayons and mold them into shapes (when we visited they could choose between a shark and a ring - my kids all wanted the rings!). They loved having a coloring page made of themselves as well!

Crayons also meet technology at the Crayola Experience! With the Crayola Magic experience, you can color a coloring sheet with crayons, then integrate it with a computer so that you see your creation come to life! (in the picture below, you'll see Eleanor with her fairy drawing alive on the screen!). I've seen these in the stores and on commercials - but it was really cool to play with it in person! The kids also loved the Silly Selfie station that used Augmented Reality to turn our selfies into crazy characters. Then those silly selfies were projected onto the wall for all to see and available via email as well!

The Crayola Experience also has plenty of opportunities for play - from their water works water table (which takes up most of a room - it's not small at all!) to their toddler town and color playgrounds - the Crayola Experience offers something for everyone to have fun - and a great way to spend an entire day! There were also snack areas throughout the attraction, and we chose to enjoy some soft serve ice cream, which was amazing!

At the end of the day, the kids were tired from climbing, playing, and stomping... and they had accumulated more art projects that we have room to display in our 35' RV... Mom and Dad benefited from some coloring/play therapy... and everyone made amazing memories. Since our visit, the kids have loved coloring with their custom crayon creations while completing their schoolwork, and it's an ongoing reminder of how much we love Crayola, and the fun we all had visiting Easton, PA!

If you're in the Easton, PA area you can start planning your visit at https://www.crayolaexperience.com/easton - and if not, check out https://www.crayolaexperience.com/ to find your closest location and/or the location for your next family travel destination! 

Read about some of the other adventures we're having on our Year-Long Road Trip!

© 2019 Meg Brunson

Thanks to the Crayola Experience for sponsoring this review. All opinions expressed are my own. See more on Instagram!

Meg is a mommy blogger, Facebook marketer, and much more. She is a mom to four kids who live full-time in an RV exploring the US! As a former Facebook employee, Meg remains a Facebook addict and handles KidsOutAndAbout.com's Social Media Marketing in addition to providing freelance services for other small businesses on how to best leverage Facebook as a part of their marketing strategy. Meg also hosts the FamilyPreneur Podcast, a podcast for parent entrepreneurs raising entrepreneurial children. Learn more about Meg at MegBrunson.com!
